Liverpool Historic district across the river with the longest running ferry system in the world making it's way across the river.

On my way to find the Historic Warship Museum, that doesn't exist, I walked by this amazing old building that looks like an old lookout tower on the water

Wirral Museum in downtown Birkenhead

Jesse and I at the firworks display

Mary and I at the fireworks display
Today I travelled across the river with Mary to Birkenhead, she was interviewing for a position at an all girls private school in the art department while I explored on my own. I walked along the boardwalk and looked at Liverpool across the way, spent an hour trying to find a warship museum which I never found, and meandered through the downtown streets of the very pretty town of Birkenhead. Then after returning to Mary and Jesse's flat we enjoyed dinner and went to watch a wonderous display of fireworks and later mulled cider and treats, to celebrate the day Guy Fawlks was unsuccessful at bombing the parliament building. It was really fun to be able to celebrate a English holiday while I was hear. You can read more about it at www.bonfirenight.net
Thank you so much for coming out here to visit me and Jesse. We both had a wonderful time and hope you did as well. I'm so glad you chose to spend the week here with us and got to see the city we live in.
You are now on your way to London and I hope the rest of your trip goes smoothly. Have fun!
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