Tuesday, August 6, 2013

Life Is a Bummer Sometimes!

Well I got a frustrated and sad call from David today. It appears that people in this world are just down right mean! David had pulled into camp early in the afternoon in Grand Cache, Alberta, Canada and had started to set up camp when it began to rain, so he decided to hold off and go photograph. While he was gone someone cut down his tarp, took our box of cooking camp gear (stove, utensils, bowls, pot...) and left! A total of probably $500 worth of gear!! The good thing is David is fine, he had none of his camera equipment, computer, wallet or tent stolen.

He decided to drive through toward the city he will be replacing a lot of the gear tomorrow (slightly out of the way but necessary) and I will be putting a claim in tomorrow with our renters insurance. It is sad and hard that this had to happen at all, especially on a dreary day but I am so thankful that David is ok and reminded both him and myself that everything that was taken can be replaced.

On a positive note we were able to Skype with David tonight since he ended up at a motel and Emmett was very chatty which made it all the more fun for both David and I.

I ask everyone to say a quick prayer for David when you read this for a smooth recovery from the lost gear and safe travels the last two weeks before coming home.

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