Emmett and I had such a wonderful Saturday filled with friends and exciting adventures.

In the morning we enjoyed a walk with our friends Charlene and Rainea, the statue walk as we call it. In old downtown Mesa there are about 20 statues and we walk from one to the next reading the historical plates while Emmett climbs on them and chats in his own wonderful creative language.
We also discovered the Asian Culture Festival where there were amazing traditional Japanese style drummers performing. Emmett was mesmerized.

After a couple hours of napping for Emmett and chores for myself we got to enjoy our friend Ashley's company who joined us for an afternoon of baking. We decided to take on the challenge of Lemon Meringue Pie and it was amazing! The recipe is from Flour, a wonderful bakery in Boston.
Emmett and his back-up dancers |
Us in the attic of the fire truck |
Floating lanterns, about 40 from the north |
At the end of the evening we had a wonderful surprise, a block party!!! that included lots of dancing and a visit from the fire department with a fire truck as well as the police department with a police car and motorcycle. Emmett was so funny studying all of the different buttons in the vehicles and asking the guys questions in his own language. The men were great with him, they even took him up on top of the fire trunk into the attic of the ladder which he thought was the greatest.
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