Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Andover High School 5yr Reunion

This past weekend David and I had so many things to celebrate and take part in. One of them being our five year high school reunion which took place at the Brewery Exchange in Lowell. I was so nervous heading over there, nervous people wouldn't remember me, nervous I wouldn't remember people's names, nervous it would be a night filled with awkward memories. And to top off the nervousness, David and I got lost driving over there which is always frustrating.

It ended up being a lot of fun. It was so great to catch up with old friends that we hadn't seen since high school. And of course there was always the funny stories of the night, Eddie knocked over one of the DJ's speakers which caused a big hub bub, Dan M. (a good friend of ours who wasn't able to come) had his quote from the time capsule read "Your brain stays alive for 8min after you die" and there was crazy dancing that looked like we were back in high school. Overall it was a great night, reconnected with some people, enjoyed ourselves and feel really proud of where our lives are 5yrs out of high school.

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