Emmett was sick yesterday and it always breaks David and my hearts when he's sick. I really do believe the Lord should prevent babies from getting sick until they are able to understand why it is happening. Yesterday I was trying to explain to Emmett, 19months old, why he was throwing up. His look on his face was so sad, how could this be happening to me?, why is this happening to me?, how long will this happen to me?
Thankfully the vomiting part of the sickness ended mid morning so we relaxed the rest of the day and enjoyed each others company in quiet activities: reading on the hammock, reading while swinging in his swing, watching movies, cuddling, going on walks, and napping. It turned out to be a lovely day. And this morning Emmett is back to his fun-loving, energy filled self, singing and playing drums with a spoon while eating his toast.
Funny little tid bit of what Emmett just did. He is playing with one of my hair clips and opened it up just enough to get his finger stuck in it which of course scared him a bit and Dad came to the rescue. I then took my clip and opened it up, Emmett pulled his hands to his chest and growled at it :-) What a great kid!!