Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Emmett's Many Faces

Well Emmett for sure received David's facial expression genes. These are a few of some really great facial expressions Emmett has made over the last month.

I was going to put captions of what I thought he was thinking but I thought it might be more fun for you to put your own captions in. Isn't he just the cutest. Weight update, he was weighed yesterday at 12lb 6.8oz, and is now 22 and 3/4 inches.


Andrew Keely said...

I made the blog! And I think everyone who was there knows what he was thinking in those first 2 pictures....

How's that library book doing?

David Shannon-Lier said...

hehehe the library book made it back home however I dropped in the drop box so I have no idea how much we owe. ~Alison

Mary Lundquist said...

Oh my lord, what a cute kid! I see both of you in his charming little face. Can't wait to see him grow and one day meet him in person :)
x mary