Nearing the end of the day we started to collect items for dinner, we couldn't a grocery store but we stopped at a convenient store, a farm stand and a bakery. And as you can see in the picture above we were in a sector of Amish country because there was not electrical wires going to this house and as I was walking away from that farm stand after picking out my onion, two boys on bikes road by in straw hats, overalls and flannel shirts despite the >80 degree weather.
The bakery was awesome and was at a building in front of a farm house where two women worked who had heavy dutch accidents and wore bonnets, long sleeve blouses and full length skirts. The bakery smelled delicious and had a wonderful selection. We chose a delicious banana nut loaf that we enjoyed for breakfast and lunch the next day.
We had finally reached Golden Hill State Park, which was the only park not on top of a hill. But it was beautiful, right on the water, and we didn't have to pay for our site because we road in after the office was closed and road out before the office opened. Our site was nice, we camped in a shelter which was great because the forecast did predict rain which we didn't get hit with but it was nice to know we wouldn't have wet gear in the morning if we did.
After a great dinner, we enjoyed watching the sunset across the lake and seeing Canada's shore off in the distance.
The lighthouse at the park that saved boats from the 30mile sand dune that was on that park of the lake.
David standing out on the dock. It was so beautiful and a great place to stay on our last night camping. We were almost done, we couldn't believe it!!!! We had only 1 full day of biking left which ended at a hotel with a hot tub in our room!! We were so excited and so proud it was unbelievable. However we still hadn't found out how many miles we had truly ridden that day, Roger had estimated 86mi by googling the distance but with all our back road riding we ended up riding over 100mi, it was awesome!
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