Hi everyone, as many of you know I have been studying frantically for the last few months for my licensure exam, well I took it last week and as of yet no word on pass or fail but I did take some time to go to Cape Cod over the weekend with David, which was wonderful. We played and relaxed with biking, mini golf, ice cream, wiffle ball, reading, good food and drink, sleeping in, afternoon naps, late night walks. All in all it was great!!!!
We biked 50mi on Saturday, exploring the awesome rail trails and saw a lot of Cape Cod wild life: a chipmunk which David sadly hit with his rear wheel after avoiding him with his front wheel, baby bunnies, a turtle the size of a silver dollar, a family of swans, lots of different birds and a house cat who had caught a full grown bunny. It was quite the eventful ride. We also visited some different small towns.
Downtown Chatham
Enjoying the sunshine in Chatham
The local Chatham beach that I also enjoyed a couple years ago with my family and grandparents
David looking like a babe at Oyster Pond where we ate lunch and went wading

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