So I wanted the last blog to be about the graduation ceremony, share some photos. But I had some thoughts about the changes in my life that I want to share. I realized sitting at the graduation ceremony that when I start working I will be my own therapist. I will no longer be practicing under someone elses license. I will have my own responsiblities, someone won't always be checking my work, won't always have my back. I am heading into a time where it may look like I have a little less responsibility, no homework due on specific dates, no presentations, no papers or exams, however daily I will be responsible for my patients, I will be responsible for helping return them to their previous functional ability.
I think I am up to that task. I have been studying for 6yrs, all for this moment, this transition period. It's a big transition, it's exciting but very scarry. Will I have a patient that dies on my watch, will I save a life by detecting something that someone else may miss, will I daily meet my patient's needs and my own goals? I think I can, I think I can, I think I can.
When I started at Northeastern they (meaning the department heads of the PT school) told us new PT students that there were 100 of us and to look at the person to the left and right of you because on graduation day 2 out of 3 of you will not be there, that only 30 of you will make it through the program. On that day I told my dad "I will be one of those 30, I will graduate from this program" Well I think there were a lot of other kids in that room that thought the same thing because 86 of us graduated but it doesn't matter, it was still just as hard, it was still just as many long nights and days in the library study rooms, in the labs practicing, at home trying to get homework done, balance some social activity and still be sane. Imade it though, I made it through 6 straight years of school and am proud to say I am ready to have the responsibility, I am ready to meet the needs of my patients and peers, I am ready for the PT world to meet Alison Shannon-Lier.