Family friends and neighbors Deb & Pete , my sister Colleen, my mom, and family friend June @ my parents house

June, my dad's cousins John, Billy and Jane @ my parent's house for dinner

The Rule Police for the Easter Hunt: David, aunt Gini and Nancy @ the Lier's

Amy, Christopher & Jessica going through their loot that was found during the hunt and partaking in the "forced share" (i.e. everyone get's one chocolate bar and a present with their name on it)

The famous Lier Easter hunt
Well it's been a whole week since Easter but there is always more time to celebrate Easter because it is an amazing day and a wonderful event to celebrate. Easter, along with Thanksgiving is one of my favorite holidays. Why? Because it has this amazing feeling of coming together and praising the lord for his blessings and gifts. Now this may be true with Christmas as well however I feel that during the season of Christmas the message gets lost in all the gifts and trees and events that happen but with Easter I feel the Lord's gift in the air. It makes me so happy and every year it is a wonderful day filled with joy and celebration.
This year David and I spent the morning with the Lier's, joining them at Church in Cambridge and then conversation over appetizers, drinks and the traditional Lier Easter hunt before heading to my parent's house for dinner with friends and family and a relaxing evening. It was a wonderful day. I hope you are able to thank the Lord for the many blessings he has given you in the recent past.