It was so wonderful to have our good friends, Josh and Paige visit during the holidays. Coming for a week they spent the weekends with us and went up north to Sedona and the Grand Canyon. It was refreshing for us to have familiar faces in our home and
tohave time to catch up. Just look at all the fun we had here in sunny Arizona! In the middle of December it was in the 70s and sunny. Take note of this all you northeastern friends! If you come down to visit us you could get a tan. Paige and Josh did. We took Paige and Josh to Tortilla flat and on a hike up the Boulder Canyon trail in the Superstition Wilderness.
It was a blast, except for the fact that
Olive stepped on a cactus. Then, in the process of biting the cactus spikes out of her paw, she got them stuck in her tongue. Cactus spikes in the tongue! Can you believe it? We had to perform a trailside surgery on her tongue and paw to remove the spikes, during which Alison got a spike in the thumb. I bravely pulled the spike out of Alison's thumb and Olive's tongue. All was well capping a super fun visit from our friends up north.
We are starting a band based on the visit. This is our album cover art for our first release titled "Cactus Rising." Look for it this spring.