Emmett is officially a week old and let me tell you, David and I have learned so much in this last week it's amazing!!! We mostly have learned that we are so blessed, our new babe is absolutely amazing in every way, he's adorable, healthy and happy. We also are blessed with amazing family and friends, providing us with food, extra sets of hands for laundry and errands and evening packing our apartment and we will be eternally thankful.

David is, as so many of you expected a natural dad, so comfortable carrying this little bundle around, changing his diapers and putting clean clothes on him. It's so wonderful for me to see the two of them together and awesome to hear when David gets home from school how much he's missed us and how all he does all day is talk about us :-) But who couldn't, Emmett is just so darn cute and hopefully over the next couple months everyone will get to meet him.

Emmett so far is such a laid back babe, he sleeps 3-4hrs, eats, hangs out and then sleeps again. Which means my recovery is going really well. Except tonight, for some reason I can't get back to sleep and it's now 4:16am and I'm blogging but as the midwife and duhla said, I'm on Emmett's schedule now so when he sleeps I should be sleeping even if it's 10am or 3pm, take advantage.

Well more amazing pictures and stories to come!!!