Hi everyone, sorry it's been so long since we've posted...busy with FASFA, taxes, and life in general. Things here have been great, we've been getting to know our new roommates Thomas and Rowan both new to Lawrence (Rowan has lived here about 6mo I believe and Thomas moved here from Boston, and graduated from MIT this past). Both excellent additions to the house.
We are also getting organized for me to finish with school this May and David to start up at SMFA again this fall. Crazy, I know. We are so excited to be making plans to live with the Thistlethwaithes this fall in Somerville/Cambridge/Medford area and hopefully a couple other friends of ours.
We also made a large purchase of a new computer!!!!! A Mac Book!!! It is a wonderful thing to have a new computer. And David is loving it, he's had a lot easier time downloading his photos and scanning his negatives and is looking forward to using photoshop. Check out our new computer at http://www.apple.com/macbook/. It's sleek and worth every penny.
We also have started to plan/train for our upcoming adventure this summer...biking from Lawrence, MA to Hamliton Ontario. It's about 500mi and we plan to do it in a week, riding about 70mi per day. We are both so excited and with the nice weather we've been having we've been taking somewhat long bike rides every day we get a chance. Yesterday we rode out to Lowell for the afternoon. It was a beautiful ride along the Merrimack River on Rt 110 and then we enjoyed a beer from Lowell Beer Works and some local galleries the ALL and the Brush. All in all we are doing pretty well, we hope to catch up with those we haven't seen in a while this summer, maybe spending some weekends in Boston and planning some longer bike trips to the beach or western MA.

Hot new bike short David!!!

View of Merrimack River at Rt110 and Water St

On Rt 110, a little more than half way, taking a quick water break