I can't believe it, my baby sister turns 18 this week. It's so crazy to think how fast life is going by now that we are older.
We went out and celebrated last week with my family. Colleen requested to go to Fire & Ice in Harvard Sq for dinner, so we all made the trek into town in the rain. It was so much fun, despite being exhausted from the week's work. My brother and his girlfriend Wendy came (pic below), along with my parents and my sister's boyfriend, Kerrick.
The food was great, and it was fun to be able to be creative with each dish. It's so crazy how big the grill is for frying everything. We all ate way to much of course because that's what happens at a buffet. And then we of course ordered dessert: Peanut Butter Pie and Double Chocolate Cocoa Cake.
Overall the night was successful, Colleen was giddy until she fell asleep on the way home.